Trusting in Divine Appointments - Reflections From My Jamaica Film Trip

At the start of December, my sister asked me if I wanted to use her husband’s ‘buddy passes’ to get discounted tickets for Westjet airlines. The only thing was, they had to be used by December 31, 2019 and Westjet only flies to certain airlines.  I had mentally prepared for my Christmas holidays to be quiet and simple. I was going to rest at home. Maybe catch up on some writing and editing or just do nothing. I had filled so much of my time in 2019 working, that I was looking forward to the feeling of doing nothing. 


At first, I turned the tickets down, saying that they could give them to someone else. After two days, though, I realized that the chances that any of their friends would use the tickets was slim, as it was two one-way tickets. I, however, was perfectly positioned to make use of these tickets, being a happy solo traveler. 

This did not give me much time to plan a trip a with each passing day, time was running out to make sure of the tickets. I sent three messages. One to my good friend in British Columbia. One to a friend currently travelling in South America and one to Go Natural Jamaica, a retreat center that I’d been in touch with for a year. 

After conversations with all three, I knew that Jamaica would be my destination. Almost exactly a year ago, they’d invited me to come film and make videos for them, but at that time, I wasn’t in the right headspace for a film trip. Now, it was almost perfect timing. I was stoked to go. So this trip to Jamaica was not planned. And yet it felt like it had been planned for me. I captured my experience in a few vlogs and videos that you’ll be able to watch on my Youtube. Part 1 of my Jamaica trip is linked below, but I also want to share a few personal reflections here.  

Things I learned and will remember from this trip to Jamaica:

The Women: 

I met some girls there who work in corporate, at large well-known multinational companies and in marketing roles that I probably could have worked in, had chosen to go into corporate. 

Meeting them felt like I was colliding with a parallel life, a life that I could have lived and pursued, had I been wired differently. I didn’t go into corporate because a part of my soul always pushed me away from it. I’ve always felt this sense the I’m not supposed to be contributing to the sales of more Dorito chips, or mint gum or diapers. I’ve always felt like there are certain stories I’m supposed to tell with my life and I’m wired in such a way that I can’t shut it down. I have to pursue those stories. It gives my life energy, passion and a deep fulfilment and joy. 

As I chatted with them (and admired them), I picked up on subtle nuances of how they are wired, ways which allow them to co-exist and even thrive in corporate America and it clarified for me how I am wired differently. 

To be together in Jamaica felt like a divine appointment, a reminder that even when souls choose different paths, we sometimes end up in the same place. Each path serves a purpose in our society and I am learning to honour that, not value one over the other. 

waking up my Travel Genome: 

This trip brought back to me all the feelings of travel. Oh how good it feels and tastes!  I haven’t arrived at a destination on my own since… 2017! I arrived in the dark, tired from 16 hours of travel but so alive! 

To get to the retreat center, I had to take a 5 hour bus ride from the airport. It made me realize that I haven’t taken a long bus rides since 2016 and it gave me precious time to think, simmer and feel. The whole trip felt like my traveller soul was coming out of hibernation pushing itself into the daylight. 

This is what I was made for! I felt so proud of myself and so grateful to God that I am actually on a filming trip. 

I spent my days filming constantly, taking quiets moments for myself here and there and connecting with all of the guests at the center. There were a few moments when I was filming interviews that I felt a deep sense of YES.  I’m was sitting on the grass, watching my subject from behind the camera, asking questions to bring out their story and this bubble of joy welled up in me!

“I LOVE this! I love that I get to do this. I love that I’m filming. I love that I’m filming and travelling and getting to hear these stories from people.” 

Trusting In Divine Appointments

Before I departed for Toronto, I was so stressed out to the point where I almost didn’t even want to go. Yet, I had the sense that if I made it to Jamaica, it would be because God must have something there for me. Lo and behold, there was a divine appointment waiting for me. 

The first person I meet at the center introduces herself to me as Joyce, a writer. She is an older lady, in her 60’s with tousled blonde hair and she speaks with a confidence I rarely see in women her age. When she says that she’s a writer, I think, “Oh thank goodness, I didn’t introduce myself as a writer, because she is a LEGIT writer.” 


Turns out, she is Joyce Maynard, the American author of 19 books including, Labour Day, which was made into a movie and At Home In The World, the memoir that started her career at age 18.  Over a series of conversations, it comes up that she hosts memoir writing workshops in Guatemala every March. 

And she wants me to come and make videos at her retreat. 

We end up writing up a contract on a big yellow notepad, finalizing details over the dining table and in her little villa at her center. 

To make this as real as it gets, on December 27, a mere 6 days after I have arrived, we select and book my flight to Guatamala in March. 

Even as I write this, I am giddy inside. This job has particular significance for me. In addition to getting to film, I’ll get to participate in the workshop, submitting my writing to Joyce and learning with the other attendees. In other words, I am going to learn how to write memoir better. 

I couldn’t have planned or selected my next film trip better. It feels like a divine appointment. 

Not only that, but this Guatemala job feels like God pushing up my own timeline. I had wanted to go to retreat centers and work there this summer. Now, by the time it will be summer 2020, I will have already filmed for two retreats!

If you feel called to join us in Guatemala and grow your writing practice, you are more than welcome to! She still has spots for the workshop, March 13-22. I’d love to meet you!

miracles all around us

This trip and the events that unfolded in it have made my faith 100x bolder.  I’m sure there will be things in 2020 for me that require even more trust, but now my reservoir of trust and faith is fully topped up. I feel a sense of surrender and ease. This is a moment where I am certain that God, Spirit, is watching over me and leading me to fulfill my life purpose. 

Sometimes I think that God, Life, Source, gives us moments like this so that we can never forget. They are important reminders that life is not all up to us. And then, there is the rest of life where we have to deal with the nitty gritty, the every miracles where we grow into things like persistence and perseverance. Both are important and equally filled with the goodness of God. :)

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Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

The Error of My Idols: Finding Peace In The Emotional Storm After Jamaica


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