10 Advantages To Being An Introvert

As I've settled into the knowing that yes, I am an introvert and yes, I am being over-stimulated in a noisy, bustling, people-filled world, I set out to figure out how to thrive here. 

 I know that I’m meant to be living in the city of Toronto at this time. I used to resist it, but now I understand that the need to stay here is also part of my introverted DNA: I seek out deep and meaningful experiences and after years of travel, being here is the experience with the greatest lessons for me. 

anita wing lee

 I've come to see my introversion as my advantage. Seen in the right light it's almost a superpower, because my introverted nature forces me to be highly aware of how everything affects me.  It's made me develop my own formula for how to live a meaningful, impactful and authentic life. 

As we go through these introvert advantages, keep in mind that most people have both extroversion and introversion qualities It is not either-or. We exist on a spectrum. (There are certainly benefits to being extroverted as well, but they are more obvious and already valued in a society. I want to focus on the value of being an introvert, because I believe that we are wired in specific ways to fulfill specific purposes on earth.)

When we understand how perfect our gifts already are, we don't waste energy on trying to change ourselves to fit something else. Instead we can zero in on doing what we can do even better and fulfill our God-give destiny

Here are some ways to see your introversion as an advantage:

  1. You have an uncommon clarity about your life purpose. You can think clearly about your priorities in life and decide to put your energy into what you value most. 

  2. You know what gives you energy and what sucks it. As an introvert, you have a highly developed filter for experiences. This means you are able to choose better. You are not someone swayed easily by others opinions. 

  3. You can persevere with problems longer. You can develop solutions to problems that others have yet to solve. Some of the world's greatest inventors, scientists and artists were all introverts. That’s why they could spend so much time alone, working when others might have been socializing. 

    “Einstein said later in life, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” ― Marti Olsen Laney, The Introvert Advantage

  4. You probably would make an excellent writer, artist, or prolific producer of innovative work. You think deeply about what you experience in life and the issues you see around you. If you’ve never tried writing or becoming a producer of something, try it. It something that you might be naturally gifted for. 

  5.  You compete with yourself. You are not the competitive type. You've already figured out that you run a different race from other people and you see that there's no point in comparing someone else's path to your path. Own it. Set your own pace. Track your pace. Then improve on your path.

  6. You can become a master of your energy and time. Whereas other people may flipped from activity to activity, you know you have a limited of social energy. You are learning how to use your time most wisely. Continue honing your time management skills and you're productivity skills.

  7. You can become extremely effective and productive in whatever you put your mind to.  Since you probably attend fewer social gatherings, you have more time to yourself. You can invest in skills and abilities that you want to learn.  Who says you can't learn to play the piano, build an earth house or find a cure for cancer? 

  8. You can grow faster. As an introvert, you have been gifted with the ability to develop yourself easier and faster than others.  You have probably been called an “old soul” by others. You have an intuitive sense of wisdom and when you choose to share it people are amazed. This wisdom comes from the fact that you process your life experiences and look for the lessons in  everything. You can make few mistakes when you actively reflect on your decisons.

  9.  You have deep and meaningful relationships.  You have friends who really get you. This gives you a sense of security and confidence.

  10. You are content being alone. You can think for yourself. This also means that you can have a very deep and rich spiritual life. You are resilient.


“So stay true to your own nature. If you like to do things in a slow and steady way, don't let others make you feel as if you have to race. If you enjoy depth, don't force yourself to seek breadth. If you prefer single-tasking to multi-tasking, stick to your guns. Being relatively unmoved by rewards gives you the incalculable power to go your own way.”

― Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

It is possible to be aware that you’re an introvert but never use it to your advantage. It’s a gift that you’ve been given! Here’s how I’ve leaned into my introvert side to live a more rich and fulfilling life:

Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

How I used my Introverted Nature to Become a Super-Producer


Are you an Introvert? This could be your Advantage!