Starting A New Chapter Of My Creative Journey

I have started a new chapter of my life. I am someone who has always loved new chapters and this one is just as full of wonder, hills and valleys and magnificence of my other ones. 

I am starting to writing again, at least for this morning, because, finally, the quiet stirring of my soul compels me to write. 

There is SO much I want to talk about, but I know that it will take me a few writing sessions to get through the shallow ground and access the deeper things I want to say, the things I feel I need to express. 

There are a number of things on my heart these days: 

  • I want to write about my journey discovering mindful eating and learning to actually like and accept my body. 

  • I want to share more of my journey living here in Niagara, Canada. It is a beautiful place and I am so very grateful to have wound up working with Experience Niagara. I hope that sharing a little more of my daily life here will bring more hope and beauty to the world. 

  • I am quietly getting back into videography and photography. I have a new camera that I am able to use and it is so life-giving to finally be able to shoot gorgeous footage! However, new cameras take time to get used to and I have to be patient with myself. 

  • I have noticed that I don’t need or even want the validation that comes from creating for the internet and getting positive feedback. As strange as it sounds, this is a very, VERY positive thing! It’s part of the reason I don’t want to post on Instagram.

  • I have created and published a few videos on my Youtube as I experiment with different styles and see what I want to create. Each of those videos is something I am very proud of, but I’m not sure if I’m going to continue or how. I think I have created 6 vlogs of my life in Niagara. It is so fulfilling to create those, but they are a lot of work. They require substantial brain space and heart space, and I only have so many hours in a week and in a month. We will have to see how my life unfolds. 

With all of these things in constant orbit, I find myself wanting to write again because it is an act that grounds me in the present and helps me to make sense of where I am in life. 

In 2018-2019, I had a period where I wrote regularly in the morning and it felt like a therapy session everyday. It felt so amazing! I felt so grateful, content and clear-headed after writing and would go into my day with a deep sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. All of that ended when I got knee-deep into my master of divinity program and needed to write academic papers instead. 

Four years later, I finally am able to put my heart on a page and have the time to sit with my spirit. What will come of this? I’m not entirely sure! But I’m sure it will be something good!

I do have about 8 blogs I had written in the spring, as I was preparing for my convocation and I wanted to wrap up that chapter. I have thoughts about that podcast and finishing my degree and writing is one of the way that I can integrate something into my being. I would still love to publish those, but not sure when I will get around to it. Maybe I never will, and that is ok too. It was the writing that needed to happen.

I am someone who loves to plunge deep and can only stand the rote tasks of publishing so much before I give up haha.

If you are reading this, I would just like to say thank you. Somewhere, somehow, in the ethers, I know you are here and I am grateful for your friendship. 

If you haven’t already seen my Niagara vlogs, you might want to check them out. In some ways, they are basic, but they are a huge accomplishment for me since I have basically gone from zero (0 videos for several years) to 100% within a few weeks. I know I can produce things that are much better, but I also give myself credit for doing this all in such a short period of time!

Let's see where all this goes. :) For now, though, I am quietly listening, creating and living life. I hope you are well!

Infinite Love,

Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

Becoming The Humanitarian Photographer & Filmmaker I Always Wanted To Be


Spring In Niagara: A Look into My life in Niagara